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I sit here talking to my God. And I'm aware of the knot inside me. Not towards him! He always makes me feel loved and secure. But it comes from a lifetime of little injuries sustained in my dealings with people I love. Most of them unintentional. But there just the same. We chose to forgive and forget, to move on. But each little injury causes a scar that is a little less relaxed and giving than healthy tissue is. And over time, we may shrink away from connections that can bring those little injuries. God doesn't want that for us. He wants us to overflow with his generous love to others! And he is the only way I can do that.

There's a song that came to my mind when I thought of the knot. "You unravel me with a melody... You surround me with a song." I find my way to the heart of God through many things - his creations, poetry, things he's said, his living love in Jesus, music and song. This song reminds me that his love melts me. It gently warms and soothes my heart so it can let go of its need to self protect, and just share the love. ❤️ 

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