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The Half-way Healing

In Mark 8, the story is told of a blind man who was longing to be healed. There was nothing in his world that medicine could offer him. He had come to Jesus hoping for a miracle. Now I have never read of a single story in the bible where Jesus refused to heal someone who came to him believing that he could. And I still believe that. Sometimes that healing comes with our next life - the life beyond pain and sickness. And instead he wraps our hearts in a comforting blanket of knowledge that we will be ok. Because he's battled this and won. But sometimes our healing comes with something amazing happening in our present.

In this case, Jesus chose to do something very interesting. Using spit (believed to be a medically appropriate treatment for his ailment at the time), Jesus touched the man with healing. And then he asked the man what he could see. Now we would expect the God of miracles to be able to heal perfectly right??? But in this instance, the man was only partially healed! He could see, but not very well!

How weird of Jesus to do this!

I sat and puzzled on this for a while - and I think God wants us to know something. Not all miracles will happen all at once! Sometimes they happen over time! Jesus did touch the man a second time and completed the healing! But I think he wants us to know - just because the miracle you ask for doesn't happen right away - don't stop believing!!! He is good!!! And while we may not understand, he has his reasons for the way he moves. But don't stop believing. Sooner or later, healing is yours.  

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