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Who you are...

We can sometimes feel like we are unworthy. Like we have no right coming to God with requests. We know we are far from what he wants us to be. Like the Prodigal Son, we feel dishevelled and ashamed. We know he can see us for what we really are. There's no point in trying to hide behind the together-facade we project towards others. So we come, slinking along like a beaten dog, hoping that he will listen to us. Because there is nowhere else for us to turn. We know that he alone can truly help us.

But we have it all wrong! God wants us to come boldly! He wants to cover us so we stop being aware of our shame! He wraps us up in his huge Father-love! He gave his everything while we offered him nothing! Why would you think he would stop short now??? He has a big and beautiful heart - and the gifts he has for you are only good! Even the bad things life brings us he can turn around for good! Remember how much he loves you, and don't come crawling to him! You are a precious child of the King! Run to those open arms!!! ❤️

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