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Open heart!

The Prodigal Son was more than thoughtless, disrespectful and greedy when he demanded his inheritance from his still very alive Father. He stabbed his Father's heart to the core when he used that money to get as far from his Father as possible. Rejection like that cuts deeply. And our human response to an injury so devastating is to build defences. To surround ourselves in a cocoon of safety so that person can't hurt us that way again. Even if that person returns to us, and we choose to forgive and allow them access to our hearts again, we are wary, careful with how much heart we expose in case a similar blow finds its way in. Totally understandable right?! And it seems wise to protect ourselves that way. Afterall, scars from those injuries never completely leave.

But notice something - that Prodigal son, wastes everything his Father worked so hard to provide for him! Refuses to acknowledge his Father's existence or part in his life for years! Destroys himself by going against everything his Father taught him would bring him happiness and success in life! And then, when he was as low as he could possibly go, when he had thrown out all his Father had ever given or taught him, when he had rejected him as fully as possible, then he came crawling back, hoping for some creature comforts from him. That's all. Wasn't offering back his love as a son. Just wanted to be cared for. That would hardly seem like a reason for the Father to welcome him back - after everything he'd done. He was selfish still. He was giving nothing. It's no wonder the older brother felt he deserved nothing.

But now we see the difference between our love and God's. The Father not only ran to him with open arms, he reinstated him as his Son in the eyes of everyone around, and he celebrated! His love was unrestrained, generous - and without judgement! How enormous is that?!!!! It's that love that melts me. Though I know I have hurt him, he instantly takes me back completely into his heart. It's unlike any love I've ever known - or ever will. And it bonds my heart with his forever. ❤️

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