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Build bridges ...

Paying it forward! Love the concept! Love that it promotes brightening someone else's day without any benefit to yourself! And that it encourages forwarding that brightness on to others! Such a positive way of living!

Wasn't our idea first though! God loved first! Gave first! Forgave first! 1 John 4:19 "We love him because he first loved us." "God so loved ... that he gave." John 3:16 This is his way! And it's the only way relationships can really work.

We have a tendency to draw back without appreciation and return of our given love. But this begins a downward spiral of withdrawal as interactions become less and less freely given. If neither is willing to bravely step out and be the first to forgive, first to give, first to love, that cycle will not be broken, and a relationship is taken down.

Don't wait for the other person to make the first move. Be the strong one who will dare to be first. Offer that love - that gift - that forgiveness needed to restore damaged bonds. Dare to build bridges ... instead of walls.

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