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Morning glow ...

Have you ever sat in the dusky morning and watched your world's transformation as the sun slowly crept up over the horizon? Those vibrant orange-gold streaks split through shadows and muted colours, beginning a warm kaleidoscope of changes in the landscape all around you. Between you and the sun, the greens in the leaves are lifted from drab grey undertones, to a limey, almost transparent glow. And beyond you the gardens are draped with dappled curtains of reflective yellows and gold. Like a slowly changing art-work, the world around you is warmed, and lifted. The beauties which have lain hidden under the subtle greys of night, are revealed at their dazzling best, at the touch of those radiant fingers.

As I sat and watched this quiet pageantry one morning, it struck me that that is what God does to me. My life is the drab grey of the night time horizon. God touches me with the beauty that is in him - all that warmth, and glow, and blaze of life - and begins an echo deep inside me. He lifts my attitudes, warms my heart, and fills me with a joy of living. And that joy radiates out of me. :D

Now, I don't always manage to hang on to the magic of those moments all through my day. Frustrations and annoyances do break through. But he always finds a way to remind me of where the glow is - how much he loves me! And that he is the colour in my day. :)


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