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Just purely loved ...

We're all driven by a need to be loved. To be forgiven freely for our human failings. To be loved purely. with a fair return for love given.

Than doesn't really work in this life. We "measure out" love. We adjust the type and amount of love we give based on what we've received on previous love gifts. It becomes a complicated, manipulative process - instead of the pure gift it was meant to be.

God is the source of pure, unadulterated, giving love. We can find it nowhere else. It is the reason we find such instant peace and acceptance in his presence. The reason we feel so loved. There is no judgement there. No desperate begging for forgiveness required. No being held at arm's length because your love has been found faulty.

He doesn't do those things. We are just purely loved. I adore that in Him. I am safe with Him. I know it.

Now I just need that purity of love to be fully developed in me ...


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