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Live this day!!!

The garden colours are subdued this morning as the risen sun climbs behind a bank of grey cloud. But above me, the skies are blue, with just a wisp of white here and there. The birds in the neighbourhood are loud in their celebration of what feels like a wonderful day to come! And I sit here, quietly enjoying the freshness of a brand new day.

And it's funny - but that's what it feels like! Fresh and new! Despite the fact that it's happened numerous times before! This day is new! Fresh and alive with possibility! And it calls us to live - as it was meant to be lived! With warmth and love and exhilaration!!!

So open yourself up to the wonder of this day - the only one that will be lived with what it holds! And ride the wave of life today!! Feeling it's joy!! Because life today is a brand new gift, that only comes this once...

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