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Is it really "No"???

Every day I place so many people into the hands of God. From experience, I know those hands hold healing and life and peace and comfort. Yet over the years, I have learnt something. I have learned to trust the way he answers the prayers that I pray - even when it looks like the answer is "no".

It might seem weird, when I am praying for someone's well-being, that I would be ok with that answer. And it would seem weird that a God who is a source of love larger than life, would say no to such a request. Or does he??

Through years of personal experience I've come to trust in the hugeness of that love, linked with wisdom beyond understanding, and the knowledge that the greatest need for all of us, is deep connection with him. That is where real life begins. I know he is willing to heal and comfort. He showed that with every one who came to Jesus with such a request. But there were a few for whom there was a delay.

Remember the paralysed man whose friends brought him to Jesus for healing. Jesus didn't heal him straight away. That was stage 2. First, he healed his spirit - made that connection with him that he desperately needed. This man thought he was beyond God's kindness. He thought he had been cursed by him for all the wrongs he had done. It was only because of his friends that he came into Jesus' presence at all!

Jesus knew that the physical healing was of secondary importance in this man's life! He needed to reconnect with that deepest love. And know it! So while Jesus didn't heal his paralysis immediately, and it might have appeared that his answer was not going to be the one everyone was hoping for, that answer was just delayed until the real need was cared for.

Every person I place in God's hands is deeply loved and cared for as I never could. I trust his willingness to bless every one of you with the greatest gifts he has to give, even if they don't look like what I am praying for! I know you are safe there. And that he will get it right. ❤️

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