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Hanging endings...

Have you ever wondered why Jesus taught so much in parables - many of which he left hanging? Now some of it we know, was because the religious leaders of the day were out to get him! And he didn't want to give them too much clear ammunition too soon! So he spoke in veiled meaning, so he could continue his work in peace for a while.

It is also true that the speakers who draw us in most, are those who use humour and illustrations we relate to in our ordinary lives. Those stories create pictures in our minds that help us to remember the lessons being taught. And Jesus was definitely a successful speaker! Hundreds followed him from place to place to hear what he had to say!

And then there are those hanging questions... Our minds love puzzles. We love to struggle our way through them till we make them complete! From jigsaws to sudoku, and the myriad of online games and apps available now, it is very apparent that our minds love the challenge - and the satisfaction of final resolution!

Jesus left the meanings of many of his stories open for us to mull over. To question and explore. To finalise their meanings would be to close their chapters too quickly and easily. They would too readily be confined to mental storage. This way, he left us with unanswered endings that beg investigation. And riddles thus pondered are not soon forgotten. They entice us in to learn and remember. What a skilled teacher he was...



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