Constant Companion
When darkness came into this world in Eden, God could no longer walk with us in companionship. Because we had taken on darkness within ourselves. And light destroys darkness. For us to continue to live, God had to leave.
Then came Jesus. God shrouded in human form, so that he could walk with us again. Show us his true intent. That he didn't want to leave us as orphans! (John 14:18) He was building a way back! Now a couple of times while he lived here, that divine light flashed out of him! Not enough to destroy! But enough to show who he was, and the effect he had on the darkness. When Jesus died, an intense blackness wrapped itself around him, as if to claim him! And when he destroyed death, and walked out of the grave, "... his appearance was as lightning..."! Matthew 28:3
But Jesus in human form could only be present with a few of us at one time. So, in order that God could again be with us all, his fiery Spirit came! This Spirit could dwell within us - all of us at one time!!! God could again be our constant companion! In a way that would restore, and not destroy!
I am grateful every day that I am never alone. He walks beside me all my life, and I am blessed by his peace and comfort and courage. He teaches me of love and things of the light! He helps me to see through different eyes so that I see beauty in all around me! He honestly is my love song and the joy of my life! And I have this gift, only because he was willing to pay the highest price to give it to me!
Forever grateful ...
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