Beyond the Veil
We've had a pretty stressful few weeks, and God had been working his way through it all, settling things for us. With that in mind, I began my journey to work, grateful, and thanking him. And my mind cast itself back over the years, again aware of how much he's always been there for me - my rock and constant companion.
I told him how much I treasured knowing him all my life, and thanked him for showing himself to me when I was young so that I've had him with me no matter what I've gone through. And the thought came to me that although I "know" him, he is God - and beyond the bounds of anything I can know here as a tiny created being. But that one day I shall really "see" him! I will "know as I am known"! (1 Corinthians 13:12) That the veil will be gone! and I'll really know him!!
And with that, an intriguing thought popped into my mind! The bride, draped in her veil! Where did that custom come from???
I did some Googling and found out that no-one really knows for sure! There are theories from Roman times about hiding the bride from evil spirits who might want to harm her. And others about shielding her beauty from the eyes of those to might want to kill her husband for her!
Or was it simply as a symbol of her virtue, saved and revealed only to the man she married. Or, perhaps a gift given, and unwrapped at the moment of promise - to be honestly and openly shared in their life together - no longer any secrets. The beginning of something new - the single path left behind in a union of two.
Jesus spoke of himself as the bridegroom, coming for his bride. And on that day, the veil will be lifted! No longer any wondering about who he is!! We will know as we are known!!! And I see so much symbolism in the veil that fits that incredible moment!! One day soon... ❤️
