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As It Was

"As it was in the days of Noah...."

In Matthew 24, the chapter where Jesus talks about end time events, he mentions the story of Noah - the first time God wiped the slate clean to create a fresh start.

Noah had to build an ark - to be offered as a haven of safety to anyone who would accept it! But no one believed his "crazy" stories about a rain that was coming (they'd never had rain before! Only dew!) - that would cover the earth with water until the mountain tops drowned! No person in his right mind could believe that story! The man was nuts!!!

So no one took up the offer of safety - even when they saw that weird event where all the animals took themselves up the ramp and into the ark! Surely that should have rung some alarm bells that something disturbing was in the air! But they'd already dismissed him as a madman.

So life went on as normal - young lovers getting married, looking forward to their future together, families and friends enjoying good food and parties together, building homes and business opportunities! Life continued as it always had - despite the warnings of this weird old man.

Until the day it didn't.

And their chance to get onboard the liferaft that God had provided, had passed.

And then Jesus shared a deep and ominous warning. He said this is exactly how things would be before he returned to this earth to "rub out" the mess that is here and build a new one without the sin sickness that constantly tears this one down.

I look around me and I see exactly that. I see a world that thinks those who speak up about it are nutjobs. I see everyone hard at work - scurrying around to put out life's "fires". Marrying, partying, building businesses, homes and families. Life goes on as normal.

It is in just such a time that he will come back. God doesn't want any to perish! (2 Peter 3:9) He's sent the warnings! He's provided the liferaft! It's free boarding for whoever will take it!! But if we just see the warners as madmen - if we're not on board when time runs out, we will go down like those in the days of Noah!

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