The one Jesus loved...
There was a disciple who called himself "the one whom Jesus loved." At first glance, it seems odd that he would take such a title - after all, it appears to place him in a bracket closer to God's heart than any of the others. Did he think he was more special than the others somehow? That Jesus' love for him was greater for some reason? If we look back through the stories, this could easily have been the case - afterall, he and his brother were known for trying to take the closest positions to Jesus in his new kingdom as they saw it. But I sense something else. Much of John's following writings are filled with the concept of 'God is love'. It's as though his whole focus has changed, from taking for himself a coveted position, to being aware of the greatness of the love that was before him, and how humbly grateful he was for it. Perhaps he took that title, not as a way of appearing superior to the others, but in recognition of that great love that had been given him. I take that title too ❤️