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Buried colour

I was thinking about this whole "everyone is a treasure" thing. It's easy to see the treasure in some people - it just seems to shine out of them. But what about those people who seem so dark and grim? The ones not so easy to like. In fact, sometimes they can make our lives downright miserable. Can there really be something beautiful inside them? I've watched a bit of the Prospectors TV show. I enjoy seeing what they find. I've even had the chance to fossick for sapphires myself and felt the thrill of finding those precious things. Sapphires, and some of those other gems they find are obvious when you discover them! They have colour and shine unique to them that just catch your eye amongst the rubble. And then there are others, that I would miss. Unremarkable to my untrained eye. Just dirty, ragged rocks, barely distinguishable from the castaway trash around them. But those prospectors eagerly extract them, take them home, tumble them for weeks or break them open - exposing the treasure hidden within. The treasure in some people may not be easily seen. That doesn't mean that they don't hold something precious. But it may take more time and effort to see it. 

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