The Power of God
God is incredibly powerful!!
- he breathed and whole worlds came into existence!
But the driving force within that power is always purest love and goodness!
And because of that, we still exist!
And there's a way out of this mess!!
He will never use that power for 'self'
- any more than Jesus did while he was here.
It is not what "good" power does.
That doesn't mean he won't need to wipe the slate clean and start over!
He will.
This world is too broken.
And he cannot take anyone into the new world who hangs onto the 'self' motivation of this one.
That's like putting fresh milk in with sour and expecting it to stay sweet!
But when he does use that power to wipe it all out and start again,
it will not be for his own vengeance,
or out of spite against us.
It will be to remove the presence of evil completely. The drive of goodness.
Remaking the world without the darkness in it.
And bringing to it, any who will take his gift of being a part of it!
That power is beautiful!
And it comforts me.