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The Darkness...

(Easter is coming...)

I want to thank you Jesus, for the darkness you endured for me.

Satan was ruthless with you.

He wanted to obliterate your light from the earth forever!

And your Father had to stand back and let him have his way.

I can only begin to grasp the weight of shame and misery that pressed down on you in your blackest hours.

You took all of it - all that we on earth had ever worn!

What enormous torment!

The weight that we each carry is heavy enough.

How did you take it all??!!!

My sweet Jesus.

Your heart and courage are greater than I will ever understand.

I am so deeply indebted to you.

My life has freedom and hope and joy because of what you bore.

May I never treat that lightly.

You gave your all for it.

I will love you forever.


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