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Dove Calls

I'd never noticed it before! There's a dove who comes to coo on the TV antennae atop my neighbour's roof - and this time he was standing directly in profile to me, so I saw something I'd never seen before! He was cooing his soft, wooing songs without ever opening his mouth (beak 😊)!!!

Now I know all the birds experts are probably well aware of this - but it was something new to me! So I Googled it. 😄 And it appears the dove coos by driving air into an inflatable pouch in its neck, with the sound being transmitted through the skin! That creates the beautiful, mellow tones he uses to call his mate.

And I found another lesson (as I do 😏). Communication can come in many forms. Sometimes we use words. But the softest, gentlest, most meaningful ones can show from deep inside of us, in who we are, and what we do, without us even opening our mouths.

Photo credit: Jack Gedney



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